Category Archives: Uncategorized

Coach Reid Reveals Chiefs’ Travel Plans Ahead Of Germany Game

Coach Reid Reveals Chiefs’ Travel Plans Ahead Of Germany Game

Andy Reid says the Kansas City Chiefs’ success in their previous Europe game influenced his decision. During a Monday press conference via Zoom, Chiefs head coach Andy Reid announced that the team will fly to Frankfurt, Germany this Thursday night ahead of their much-anticipated week 9 matchup against the Miami Dolphins. When one reporter asked…MORE

Matthew Perry From ‘Friends’ Dead At 54

Matthew Perry From ‘Friends’ Dead At 54

The entertainment world and fans of the classic sticom are still reeling from this weekend’s shocking news. According to TMZ, Perry returned home late Saturday morning after a couple hours of pickleball. He reportedly sent his assistant to run an errand. When the assistant returned about two hours later, he found Perry had drowned in…MORE

How Do You Pronounce ‘Missouri’?

How Do You Pronounce ‘Missouri’?

‘ee’ or ‘uh’? A new poll pits the two most popular choices against each other. Saint Louis University teamed with YouGov for a poll of 900 likely Missouri voters to learn how they pronounce the name of their home state. The winner? Missour-EE is overwhelmingly preferred by an approximate 90-10 margin. Statistically, the highest percentages…MORE


